Let's Keep 12 story buildings out of Rainier Valley!

Please visit our website and join us in opposing the upzone. We need JOBS not APTS! http://goesseattle2015.wordpress.com/
object to the 12 story building upzone at Lowe’s. A 125 foot
rezone at Rainier and McClellan is drastically out of scale with the
neighborhood and will only fuel existing problems in the area, especially if a
large housing project is built with limited or no parking. Traffic on
Rainier Avenue South has worsened dramatically since completion of the Light
Rail project on Martin Luther King. Studies have shown that the proposed
bow tie traffic redesign (where Rainier is a one way street and Martin Luther
King is a one way street around the light rail station) suggested to remedy
traffic will instead increase congestion. Traffic
redirection/restrictions will also drive out industry that has been in the
Valley and has supported the neighborhood for decades. Property at Lowe’s
is already zoned for 65 foot building heights, as are many of the surrounding
lots. 65 feet is tall enough to meet the Growth Management Act targets
set for the North Rainier Urban Center. We have the Claremont on Rainier
at Walden at 65 feet and the Artspace Mt. Baker Lofts currently being built to
65 feet. We do not need a building twice that high just down the
street. We urge you to vote against the proposed 125 foot rezone
for Rainier and McClellan. 65 feet is tall enough.