Lextran Tax Referendum Petition
Lets Review Lextran: The reality is this: The tax referendum should never have been passed. Lextran outsourced to have their routes redesigned, keeping in mind that we have unemployed Transportation Analysts in Lexington. We have a so called organization that takes from its community, but gives nothing in return. There are many people who will be losing their homes in the next few years due to increased unemployment rates in KY. Is Lextran going to assist when an individual who has been paying taxes since the referendum was passed in 2004 lose their home Many are aware that Lextran has a very poor reputation in every aspect of its operation. Therefore I feel this referendum should be overturned. Lextran is more than capable of maintaining their current routes and staff without the additional funds from the tax referendum. It could be done through advertising. If you get on a Lextran bus you will see 1-3 onboard advertisements. Where as if you visit Louisville (TARC), for example, you will see a bus full of onboard advertising. Please take the time to visit the links attached. For 2007, LexTran was suppose to receive several upgrades to its fleet of buses and facilities. The upgrades to the fleet consisted of Lextran purchasing a used trolley. As far as the facility upgrade, they have updated their garage on Loudon Avenue. It is now October 2009. What Happened in the past two years. What was the money spent on... I can tell you, It was used for their management staff to travel and visit other transit systems. Which obviously was of no evail. The renovation and expansion of the main LexTran facilities on East Loudon Avenue, cost $7.5 million. Once again it is now 2009 and Lextran is still in phase one of their expansion project. 5,900,000 (est.) total number of passenger boardings 2008 (Lexington Herald-Leader: JULY 19, 2008) "LexTran ridership was 17 percent higher in April 2008 than it was in April 2007. More than 350,000 rides were taken on LexTran buses in April of this year." (Lexington Hearld-Leader Jun. 06, 2008) 350,000 x 12 months = 4,200,000 boardings not 5,900,000 boardings. Subtract the approximately 3 months UK not in session and that number drops to 3,780,000 (35.93 % difference). Is anyone questioning these numbers LexTran buses should have on average 1,077 passengers any hour between 6:20am and 9:10pm 365 days a year. With a 43 bus pullout requirement, every bus in Lexington should contain 25 passengers at any given hour according to lexTran's own numbers. Q: Why inflate ridership numbers A: The only way Veolia Transportation can increase profits for their stockholders is to grow LexTran, thus growing the management fee charged. (Veolia Management Fee increased 68.92% from FY 08 to 09) * If the lower number of 3,780,000 boardings is the "real" number, then the cost per passenger jumps to $ 5.30 Real Cost of LexTran: Passenger Fares & Other Operating Revenues $ 1,823,842 / 5.9 million boardings = 31 cents revenue per boarding. Total revenue $ 20,042,143 / 5.9 million boardings = $ 3.48 actual cost per boarding. (not counting capital expenditures)* If the lower number of 3,780,000 boardings is the "real" number, then the cost per passenger jumps to $ 5.30 per boarding. *Abbreviated budget provided by Dave Riggens of LexTran. We have been in contact with our local delgation and they are well aware of the petition what we currently have going. We will be sending a report of all who signed the petition to the local delegation as well as the Governor. I for one no longer wish to support such an organization.