Life Students Unite Against Censorship
We, the past and present leaders of the Life University Student organizations/Technique Clubs, condemn the Life University administration's decision to deny the functional neurology club's request to have Professor Frederick Carrick as their guest speaker. The hypocrisy inherent in this decision is beyond measure. Life University is supposed to represent progress and the spreading of novel ideas and knowledge, yet the actions taken by the administration represent the very antithesis of their mission. On the homepage of it states, "LIFE’s faculty promotes an atmosphere which encourages open-forum communication and a free exchange of ideas, inspiring students to express new and revolutionary solutions in a challenging, yet supportive environment". If the Life administration is going to engage in censorship based on pettiness and political agendas, then it can no longer claim to be the progressive institution it once was.
As leaders in student-run organizations and student's actively enrolled in the program, we know what we want. We want access to the most cutting-edge information, we want to learn and interact with doctors who are at the forefront of chiropractic, and we want a choice in the process. We understand the need for oversight, but we believe this decision is based in ego and politics, neither of which is an acceptable excuse for denying students access to one of the most innovative practitioners of chiropractic since it's creation.
Stop the censorship NOW.