Limit Sargent Sand Co. Mining and Trucking hours

We understand that The State of Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality has continued to allow the removal of Ludington's Critical Dune sands by renewing Sargent Sand Company's sand mining permit effective January 2017 for a period of 5 more years.
Sadly for our community, persistent ALL NIGHT sand mining activity noise has negatively impacted what was at one time a peaceful lakeshore community and a pleasant place to live or own a cottage.
We strongly object to the early morning (6:30 a.m.) intrusive semi-truck traffic noise and these trucks' danger and distraction for bikers and runners enjoying scenic M116, as well as those posed to tourists shopping in downtown Ludington.
We, the undersigned, are asking the Hamlin Township Board to create and pass a noise-mitigation ordinance limiting sand mining operations to hours which would not disturb nearby residents during previously-peaceful nighttime/sleeping hours (at least 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.).
We also request that the Hamlin Township Board and local authorities engage in new negotiations with Sargent Sand--one which limits Sargent Sand's hours of sand-hauling truck operations to begin no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and end no later than 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, these trucking activities should begin no earlier than 9:00 a.m. and end no later than 1:00 p.m., with no truck operations on Sundays.
As concerned citizens and local taxpayers, we ask that the Hamlin Township Master Plan "Community Vision" and it's "Guiding Principles" be at the forefront of such requested negotiations in order to preserve it's self-proclaimed "one-of-a-kind status of some of the most spectacular resources in the World".