Support the Live Small Movement

Friends of the Coalition for Selfless Living, Our economy has been steadily declining over the past few years. In response to the nation's downward spiral, we, the Coalition for Selfless Living, have recently launched a new subset of our organization - Project Live Small. Our new division plans to serve CSL's humanitarian efforts of working toward a world with abundant resources, a strong economy, and no overpopulation. We believe that if the average height of humans were reduced to four feet, many of the world's problems would be drastically reduced. Research has already found that by reducing the average height of humans by two feet, the consumption of resources can be decreased by more than thirty percent. This reduction will lead toward a path of less destruction and damage to our environment. We need your support during this on-going research and development process to provide future generations with more resources and a better life. The United States Government's budgets are falling and we need voices to tell them how to allocate their funds. Governmental funding of research and development should be a priority as it is necessary help us recover from our current economic decline. By signing this petition, you are supporting the efforts of Live Small which include: * Research on the isolation of height genes. * Incentives for manufacturers to reduce their waste in production processes. * Incentives to Live Small by moving into small houses which use less gas and electricity. * Promoting awareness of the benefits of living small and decreasing your carbon footprint. For more information on ways to live small, visit http://coalitionforselflessliving.blogspot.com Always remember, "A big heart begins with a small start." Thank You, Coalition for Selfless Living