London Borough of Newham should treat us fairly and fix broken drain pipe and flooded floorboards so Caribbean Scene Family Restaurant in Stratford ca
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London Borough of Newham should treat us fairly and fix broken drain pipe and flooded floorboards so Caribbean Scene Family Restaurant in Stratford can reopen as soon as possible. We have been closed 2 weeks now. Caribbean Scene Family Restaurant in Stratford has suffered from internal flooding for almost 2 years.
London Borough of Newham (our Landlords) have not even bothered to show up to look at the situation recently, when we informed them that we would be forced to close.
EHO had visited and given us a date to sort out the damaged floor problem. That date expired several weeks ago.
The flooring of course cannot be repaired until the broken drainage pipe is repaired by the landlord; Newham Council.
Our insurers have since been in and have agreed that for Health & Safety reasons we simply cannot trade.
In the run-up to the busiest time of the year we have had to cancel numerous bookings. Our business name and reputation is suffering! Our 30+ staff are out of work in these harsh times! Our customers have been let down!
What do we need to do to be taken seriously?
Help us to get the message through to the powers that be, for we have worked hard, have endured much and have the right to be here and the right to be treated fairly.
Caribbean Scene Family Restaurant
2 Gerry Raffles Square
E15 1BG