Longer parking on Exeter road

I own Taylor Made Nails and I'm petitioning to have longer parking on Exeter Road. Outside my shop is only half hour parking (yet the other end of Exeter Road is longer) this is not enough time to do a treatment so my clients have no choice but to park in the colonies (which annoys the residents). Some treatments take up to an hour and a half to perform. I have elderly clients who will not be able to walk up and down the hills on the other side of Exeter Road and will certainly not be able to walk from town. I feel that if we extend the parking to 2 hours, all the business’s that require their clients to stay for longer than an hour will benefit and possibly help our business’s grow, by welcoming more clients that choose not to come due to lack of parking facilities and restricted times.
Exmouth is already struggling for businesses and the Exmouth people are the first to complain that it's a dying town...so I feel that bringing in this 2 hour parking will help all the businesses that have put their money on the line to bring you more shops to make the public feel happy about themselves!
I am guessing that the time limits were set when the shops along Exeter road were 'Dels' and 'Troopers' the quick 'nip in and out' shops, but as this town is changing and now has a wider range of shops that require longer parking I feel the town needs to keep up with the current times and change with it!
The bottom line is the businesses on Exeter road need all the trade we can get, if we lose out on clients because they don't want to walk too far then it's simple we will no longer be here to give our services, leaving empty shops!