Lonnieta L.Robinson Marvalene Smith vs The State of Georgia
Lonnieta & Marvalene Wrongfully Convicted of 3 counts of cruelty to children(and facing 30yrs) which is stated as follows: did willfully deprive said child of necessary sustenance, to-wit: nutrition immunizations, and failure to seek adequate medical attention, to the extent that the child's health and well-being was jeopardized, contrary to laws of said State, the good order,peace and dignity thereof. Lonnieta & Marvalene have documented proof from a Judge and Doctors and Georgia Department of Family and Children Services that these alligations were not true but the evidence was not allowed during trial, there were perjuries made by Dafford D.Madison my ex husband/abuser , Keisha Hilliard DFACS worker, Dr.Janice Loeffler DFACS Doctor,false documents, and Dr.Brian Griner DFACS Doctor/ STATE. There is alot of forged & fake documents,molestation,rapes and false imprisonment,illegal search and seize,and police harassment, supressing of evidence and abuse by Valdosta Judicial System, and Attorneys filing frauded paper work.There will be and Update, Please give your Support and sign the petition. Thank You
click on link for more info http://onpointejc.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/lonnieta-l-robinson-marvalene-smith-vs-the-state-of-georgia/ LOOK AT VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-kRMb4Xja4