Low was hacked.
Hello everyone! After my ticket for my hacked account was closed yesterday, August 3rd. My issue was that when I made the account, I was young and I thought having 2 accounts with the same information might get me in trouble, so I decided to use a made up name and birthday. Due to this, nexon was unable to recover my account for an e-mail change. I understand where they are coming from, but at the same time, I've spent 4-5 years on this character. I've spent easily $1,000 on him over the years and have made many old friends and memories. Although their action to close my ticket is justified, I feel like I've been wronged. There is plenty of ways for me to prove I am the owner of the account. I decided that instead of spamming them with tickets, I will just try a petition. In no way am I bashing Nexon or any of it's employees, I just want them to put more attention into my case. I've put too much effort into this account for it to just go away in a day because some idiot decided to take what was rightfully not theirs. So if you know who I am or know of me, please help me to get Nexon to give my case a second look. Alot of you know my real name is Juan Salazar, mainly because I am on both facebook groups on my actual facebook account, and I've made multiple posts about my character.
Thank you for your time!