Lower our Cook County Property Taxes Now!!

If you are fed up with Cook County government, incumbents who waste your tax money, and out-of-control property taxes, sign this petition and send a message to the politicians and special interests today! Our local government debt is staggering: $108 billion! That translates into $63,525 per Chicago household and $33,000 per suburban household!! But it gets worse. The housing market crash has affected everyone. People have lost their homes in foreclosure or are being foreclosed upon now. More people are in danger of losing their homes as unemployment continues to rise. Homes are declining in worth. Some homes have lost more thousands in value.But is this reflected in Cook County property tax bills? No!! In fact, local governments have raised their tax rates and the homeowners that are left are being soaked by political incumbents, cronyism, irresponsible spending, and special interests. One homeowner in Oak Lawn named Laura saw her home lose more than $100,000 in value in five years yet her property tax bill went up $3,000!!!! Is it fair? No! Can it be stopped? Yes!! The problem we have always faced is that we do not elect people who understand you cannot spend more than you have and you cannot tax your way to prosperity.Taxing hard-working people to death is NEVER the answer and it is not the answer now. If you want to speak out, sign this petition! If you are angry, sign this petition and spread the word to your friends and family! This is THE PLACE to tell your story. If you have suffered out-of-control property taxes, tell your story here. Please help us send a message to incumbent politicians and their cronies today! Sean Morrison Homeowner, Palos Park and candidate, Cook County Board of Review