Lower The Grade Boundaries For Edexcel Paper 1H Non-Calculator (04/06/15) & Edexcel Paper 2H Calculator (08/06/15)Exam

Over the past 5-10 years Edexcel have been putting in Maths questions that students are capable of doing. This year however the non-calculator and calculator exams have both been appalling as they contained questions that were seen to be A-level in some case or were worded quite difficultly, as a result of this many students around the UK would agree that the grade boundaries should be dropped and that the examiners be very generous when marking. I think it is disappointing to see that the exam board have been very tough on students this year compared to other years. In all fairness every students exam papers should be marked according to what they deserve as they have worked really hard in preparation of these exams. The system needs to become organised as you are playing with many lives and possibly ruining the chances of students who are trying to achieve their goal in life through the Education System. By challenging students across the country through these tough exams it gives the indication that there is some sort of division among the Intelligent and not so intelligent students and also gives us the connotation that students should accept their role in society by labeling them as Working Class and limiting them to go onto further education due to tough exams like the ones that we have done. So we demand the lowering of the grade boundaries for the maths exams (non-calculator/calculator)