Lower Tuition Fees in Canada
Lower Tuition Fees in Canada, Provide Everyone A Fair Chance at Higher Educaiton
Education is the foundation our society is built on and is so crucial for the growth and sustainability of our country. Post-Secondary Education is essential to provide society with skilled workers across a number of industries to build on and grow our economy. Without post-secondary education, we wouldn’t have doctors, politicians, entrepreneurs and so many other important careers that contribute to the development of our country. However, if young people can’t afford to obtain post-secondary education, then what happens to our nurses, lawyers, and artists? Tuition fees in Canada must be lowered in order to ensure that we are continuing to build and grow our society. Everyone should be offered the same opportunity to obtain post-secondary education if they choose so, and unless we lower tuition costs we will continue to turn away young people looking for an education. Below will outline some key points as to why we should lower tuition fees in Canada.
It is important as a country that we offer a fair chance for all to pursue a career and the necessary education that goes along with it. Since 1990, tuition fees have risen three times more then inflation has, working out to be about 6.2% a year (Beltrame, 2012). Tuition fees vary across the country, seeing the lowest tuition rates in Newfoundland and Labrador and the highest in Ontario (Beltrame, 2012). Many are leaving University/Community College with high debt, making it extremely difficult to begin their lives and careers (refer Beltrame, 2012). Others who have parents to pay for their education, often undergo a lot of stress, perhaps putting off retirement or taking out another mortgage (Beltrame, 2012). Rising tuition fees in Canada are taking a major toll of a number of different people.
In other countries around the world, post-secondary tuition fees are just a thing of the past, and according to a 2014 article in the Huffington Post, countries like Germany are now free of tuition costs (Freeman, 2014). President of the Hamburg Parliament, Dorothee Staplefeldt was quoted saying “tuition fees are unjust” and “discourage young people young people who do not have a traditional academic family background from taking up studies.” (Freeman, 2014). I agree with Dorothee, tuition fees can really turn off many young people who don’t want to have the burden of student debt, or don’t think they will get funding. Perhaps cutting tuition fees all together in Canada isn’t completely the answer, but certainly lowering them to an affordable amount is imperative moving forward.
Post-Secondary education is becoming more and more necessary for job requirements in today’s labor field (Iglika,2012). Without some form of higher education, one will simply not be able to compete with others who have kind of post-secondary education (Iglika,2012). Some are estimating that almost three quarters of all jobs in Canada that will become available over the next few years, will require higher education as a mandatory requirement (Iglika,2012).
Tuition fees in Canada need to be lowered in order to promote social justice for all. I believe it is crucial that everyone has the same opportunity to obtain post-secondary education, without the heavy burden of student loans. In order to cultivate a society of economic growth and prosperity we needed educated young people to fill job postings in the workforce. Unless we make it affordable for everyone to have an equal shot, we are not fostering a society where everyone is treated fairly based on their family’s financial background.
Please sign this petition and help us fight for lowering Tuition Fees in Canada!
Beltrame, J. (2012). Tuition fees rising faster than incomes and inflation, report warns. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/tuition-fees-rising-faster-than-incomes-and-inflation-report-warns/article4535869/
Freeman, S. (2014). Germany Scraps Tuition Fees. Should Canada Follow? The Huffington Post Canada. Retrieved from, http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/10/01/tuition-fees-germany-canada_n_5915500.html
Iglika, I. (2012). Five Reasons why you should support a move to low tuition fees in Canada. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Retrieved from, https://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/com...