Support More District 2 Middle School Seats - Support Lower Lab K-8
We, the undersigned residents of the City of New York, support P.S. 77 Lower Lab School’s request to expand its program to K-8 and support the relocation of P.S. 77 Lower Lab School to a potential new facility at 309 East 94th Street. Expansion and relocation of P.S. 77 would benefit all of District 2. A few of those benefits include: (1) create more District 2 middle schools seats; (2) open at least 16 classrooms for P.S. 198 which would provide P.S. 198 the space needed to expand its future gifted and talented program as well as create space for P.S.198 to expand to Pre-K-8; and (3) reduce the burden on already overcrowded and popular middle schools in District 2 where many P.S. 198 and P.S. 77 students go after graduating (e.g East Side Middle, Wagner SP, Upper Lab, Salk).