Please Fire Lisa Rinna as Co-host of Soap Talk!
Lisa Rinna is loud, tacky and obnoxious; she tells us when she is menstruating, ovulating and having sex with her husband. She shares stories of her children; how her four and seven year olds fight her, spit at her and pee in the bathtub. She laments the growth of black facial hairs, zits on various parts of her body and how she gets her husband to pop them, and shows us her cracked heels. She watches herself in the tv monitors the entire show to the point of ignoring her co-host and their guests. She interrupts her co-host and their guests by loudly talking over the top of them; if the conversation isn\'t about Lisa, she will make sure that it becomes so. She mocks the various guests that come on to promote or display their ideas or products by interrupting them, rolling her eyes, making fun of them and even by destroying the display. Yes, the woman actually poked holes in a guests paper display. She is an assault on our senses on a daily basis. We love our talk show otherwise, and the format is supposed to be for us, the viewers. We want The Powers That Be to remove Lisa and her shameless self-promotion, to once again make Soap Talk a show that we want to watch.