A call for the reinstatement of an uncensored version of Leeds Student Issue 17 and an apology from LUU to the Editor to be printed
Issue 17 of the newspaper was removed, because some people claim to have found certain aspects of an interview offensive. The interview was with a student journalist who has reported from the Gaza Strip. Naturally we'd love for you to be able to read the interview itself and make your own judgement, as is every reader's right. We're all rather distressed considering the people want to read their paper, advertisers work with us on the basis that people get to read the paper, and we work very hard for no reward other than people reading the paper. The newspaper should be back on the shelves on Tuesday, though the article in question may be censored out, which we think is a travesty, depriving readers of the right to make up their own minds about the issue. It is our firm belief that an apology should be sent to the editor of Leeds Student Newspaper. The person in question has been badly treated by LUU and deserves an apology for the way the way the situation was mishandled, regardless of the outcome of any decision made.