Save Lucas and Sami Roberts Lumi
To: Hogan Scheffer TPTB Save Lumi Lucas and Sami Roberts of Days Of Our Lives I am a die hard Lumi fan. Like so many other viewers I loved that Lucas has stood by Sami through her rape by EJ Wells Dimera and told her he would love her children even when he thought that the unborn twins were not his. Lucas has been through so much including being locked in a meat truck and to freeze to death by EJ. EJ forced Sami to choose between her husband\'s life and having sex with him. She chose to save her husband\'s life. She cried during the entire assault/rape and EJ had a gun. She had just set him up for Bo and Roman and she drove him through a roadblock which must have scared her to death. Surely this act was rape. Many of Lumi fans also believe EJ is responsible for the shooting of John Black and also for removing John from the hospital so John\'s kidney could be removed which is most assuredly illegal. I believe he was the person who was responsible for the black glove crimes. He also tortured Sami by putting notes under her door and then he called just before she was to marry Austin. When Will ran away, he then made calls to have her believe he had been kidnapped. Many believe he is the one who shot the officer, Eve. . EJ is responsible for a number of crimes in Salem and it is about time that he be held accountable for his illegal acts. Having EJ tell Sami he was sorry in New Orleans is not enough. He told Sami once that \"when we made love\" and Sami retorted, \"You raped me.\" EJ needs to admit to Sami that he \"raped\" here and that means EJ says the actually word \"rape\" openly. EJ should not be allowed to manipulate a marriage to Sami thus destroying Lumi, for whatever reason Sami and Lucas are finally happily married and the Dimeras should not be allowed to force Sami into a marriage to end some stupid vendetta started by a man who had an affair of sorts with a novice nun over 50 years ago while his wife allegedly was dying and then had allegedly passed on. EJ should not be rewarded for raping Sami by having her made his wife when she is married to the man she has always loved, Lucas Every viewer who has been a victim of rape or has a friend or family member a victim of rape would find enraging. This also sends a terrible message to young men everywhere, force yourself on someone who doesn\'t want you then no matter what evil act it takes, force them to be with you. Young men everywhere are having enough trouble these days without having morals like this placed in their heads. There are over thirty thousand viewers who are Lumi fans that believe like me. Many will find this so outraging if this happens that they will stop watching the show. A similar story line on General Hospital resulted in many viewers discontinuing watching that soap. LUMI fans are very loyal Days viewers and these fans want Lumi to be the supercouple that they are meant to be. We also want more Lumi loving, real romance without EJ interference. We also want both Lumi babies to healthy and definitely be Lucas\'s babies. We do not want any more dead babies. Kate needs to be held accountable for the DNA switch. It is time that fans across the globe unite and tell Hogan what we want. This is our attempt to voice our feelings about Lumi. Please support Lumi and sign this petition. Sincerly Bryan Datillo Fan amore who heped crete this petition and all Lumi Fans