Safety of M40 Holland City Roadway
Petition for a change to be made in front of the Tulip City Truck Stop on M40 in Holland City. Semi trucks exit that location and take approximately 14 second to clear the oncoming lane when turning North onto M40. Vehicles going Southbound in that location are traveling at 55 miles per hour. It is very unsafe for vehicles on M40 and traffic exiting the Tulip City Truck Stop. Serious accidents potentially happen every day at this location. On Monday, January 15, 3 people were killed when their minivan drove underneath a semi trailer that was exiting the Tulip City Truck Stop parking lot. The citizens of Holland and the motorists that travel M40 in that area every day want a traffic light installed and/or the speed lowered. We need to save lives, not wait for the statistics to increase in order for something to be done. PLEASE USE CONSIDERATION THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY OF HOLLAND AND MDOT TO MAKE A CHANGE. THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO DISPLAY ANGER ABOUT THE FAULT OF THE ACCIDENT ON MONDAY. VOICE YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE CHANGE, NOT WHAT HAS HAPPENED ALREADY. HAVE RESPECT FOR EVERYONE THAT WAS INVOLVED AND EVERYONE THAT MAY READ THE COMMENT SECTIONS.