Sign the Madison Food Park Slaughterhouse Petition!

On March 3, 2020 the City of Great Falls unanimously approved a resolution asking the Governor to order a coordinated "Environmental Impact Study" (EIS) of the impacts likely to arise from the proposed Madison Food Park Slaughterhouse.
The City of Great Falls' Resolution notes, among other things, that the proposed Madison Food Park (MFP) Slaughterhouse is an industrial-scale facility unlike anything previously seen in Montana and is likely to incite significant direct, indirect, and cumulative effects on the region, including but not limited to:
- Significant estimated daily water use of 3.5 millions gallons from the local aquifer.
- Significant new infrastructure burdens with an estimated traffic influx of at least 200 tractor-trailer trucks and hundreds of personal vehicles weekly.
- Weekly animal processing volume of 2,500 head of cattle, 9,900 hogs, and 120,000 chickens.
- Greater than 100,000 pounds of solid waste and hundreds of gallons of wastewater created daily.
- Large population influx with an estimated 3,000 new workers (plus families) in the larger Great Falls region.
- Documented scientific studies have shown comparable U.S. slaughterhouse towns often experience increased health problems, environmental pollution, decreased property values and other adverse social impacts.
- From a geographic perspective the MFP Slaughterhouse would be the largest multi-species facility of its kind in the country, located just 8 miles SE of City limits and upstream of its drinking water source, the Missouri River. With such a consequential proposal at stake the City of Great Falls is rightfully concerned by potential physical, biological, economic, cultural and aesthetic impacts on the region, and the sustainability of the community.
For these and other similar reasons City decision-makers seek Governor Gianforte and expert state agencies' assistance in qualifying and quantifying the likely effects of the MFP Slaughterhouse Proposal before any commitments or authorizations are made allowing the Project to move forward - - a "Look Before You Leap" proposition.
- Click here to read Resolution 10334 from the City of Great Falls
- Learn more about the proposed MFP Slaughterhouse
Please contact Governor Gianforte and let him know you support the City of Great Falls' request for a common-sense impact study of the proposed Madison Food Park Slaughterhouse by signing the petition!
* Thank you for joining thousands of concerned citizens in telling our decision makers to look before we leap - your signature matters!
***** Please disregard any follow-up message from iPetition asking for donations; no donation is needed to sign the EIS petition. *****
If you are interested in making a financial contribution, please consider donating to our partner Upper Missouri Waterkeeper, Protect the Falls’ 501c3 fiscal sponsor. Please include a comment saying "MFP Slaughterhouse” so funds are allocated accordingly.
Again, thank you for taking action and supporting responsible decision-making!