Mail-in ballots for Powell Valley Electric Co-op Elections
The Petition
We, the undersigned, members of Powell Valley Electric Cooperative (PVEC) believe that PVEC should begin voting by mail-in ballot at annual meetings. Starting at the annual meeting in 2020, voting for bylaws amendments and/or board elections should be conducted by mail-in ballot. Ballots will be received and counted by an independent third party.
Why we need mail-in ballots
Powell Valley Electric Cooperative is member-owned, and one of the most important ways that members can participate in co-op governance is by voting for board representatives.
Due to large turnout at the 2018 PVEC annual meeting, many members were unable to vote because of very long voting lines. Our annual meeting offers a great way for members to connect with one another, but the requirement to be present to vote blocks many members from participating, including people who are elderly, have physical disabilities, or need to work on Saturday.
Other electric cooperatives have found that mail-in ballots increase member voter turnout and reduce staff time spent on the same day voting procedure. It’s time for PVEC to allow voting by mail!