Maintain the integrity of the LACCD Child Development Lab Schools

We, the undersigned (families, students, faculty guild, other union and community members), stand together in support of our Child Development Center (CDC) Lab Schools.
Child Development Center Lab Schools fulfill three purposes:
- To provide high quality care and education for young children while their student parents enroll in courses to obtain a college education
- To provide college students who are majoring in child development and related disciplines with direct supervised experience in a high quality early childhood setting in order to complete their coursework, certificates, degrees, transfer requirements, and entry into the workforce
- To demonstrate high quality best practices in the field of early childhood education as a model for students, parents, faculty and the community at large
The success of this program depends on leadership provided by a highly trained, knowledgeable and experienced faculty director and teachers. With this support, our campuses experience increased enrollment, retention and student success for our student parents, as well as for the students who participate throughout the year with mentoring, coaching, supervision and support services.
Due to recent legislation, there will be an increase in the CDC operational expenses. This increase is leading to discussions regarding faculty staff classifications, with the threat of reducing the qualifications and compensation of the teachers and directors.
We cannot compromise the standards of this program that has such a vital impact on the care and education of young children, the opportunity for a college experience for student parents, and the success and completion of required coursework for our child development students.
We, the undersigned (families, students, faculty guild, other union and community members), stand together in support of our Child Development Center (CDC) Lab Schools.