NISA: Localize the PSP version of Makai Kingdom.
Michael Bratcher 0

NISA: Localize the PSP version of Makai Kingdom.

202 signers. Add your name now!
Michael Bratcher 0 Comments
202 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Administrator Houk on the NISA official forums made this post recently: "Okay guys, here's the real deal. There are a number of factors that we can't really go into, but the bottom line is that we currently have no plans to localize (Makai Kingdom PSP). That's about as definite as we can get on it." Whatever their reason's may be, the purpose of this petition is to show NISA that there is a significant demand for this game, one that their sales projections may underestimate, particularly given the recent release of the PS Vita and its backward compatibility with PSP games.

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