Make Corner of Stefaniga Road and Mountainview Road Stafford SAFE
Do you want to wait for a tragedy to happen at this intersection? That is what our county and VDOT plan to do. With daily close calls a fatality is only a matter of time. Its imminent. Is it going to be someone in your family?
We need for our County and VDOT to step up and fix this dangerous intersection of Stefaniga Road and Mountainview Road. The slope, visibility and speed all combine to make this intersection a danger zone. School buses frequent this intersection.
Every day our Stafford County residents put their lives and the lives of their children and families on the line just trying to get to school, to the store, anywhere. Something needs to be done and done FAST!
Please help us with supporting our community project to make this intersection SAFE for everyone!
PLEASE SIGN OUT PETITION AND SUPPORT THIS IMPORTANT PROJECT. It would be helpful if you also left a comment about your experiences at this intersection to bolster our position and show our community leaders that its a critical issue.