Make September 11th A National Holiday

Hello All,
My name is James. I am a volunteer firefighter, former boyscout, and a proud American.
On September 11th, 2001 our country was deliberately attacked by cowards. Lately in schools, many teachers have been neglecting the day and acting as if it never happened. I can say this because I still am a high school student who sees this first hand. 09/11/2001 was a day that can never/should never be forgotten. This potition is to make September 11th a national day of prayer and remembrance. We as Americans should preserve the history of that day and make sure future generations know what happened that day and how our country came back. To make this short and sweet, I am trying to get this as a national holiday so kids won't need to go to school, adults won't need to work. Instead people can be with loved ones and remember and pray for those effected. September 11th is no day for kids to be learning that adding and multiplying two letters gives you twenty. It is a day to rmeber history! Please spread this link and help preserve history.