Make the 'Dreamer' series a Reality!!
The Dreamer series has been a dream of T's since he tested HIV positive in 1996. He wanted, with whatever time he had left on this Earth, to make a positive difference in our world with the power of his story and musical talents.
It will explore how T acquired HIV which eventually developed into AIDS, what living with HIV has been like for him, and the social and spiritual insights he gained because of having both HIV and AIDS.
In 2020, with the Southern Time Band, T recorded the overture album for the rock opera Dreamer series. He also found a great team of filmmakers and is ready to produce the first season of the series. All that is left now is to find the finances to produce the series and a distribution contract.
With every signature, the likelihood of the Dreamer series being produced and distributed becomes that much more of a reality.
Please sign and share and make Dreamer's dreams for a better world for all a reality!!!