Make WP fire Raeesah Khan!
Raeesah Khan is WP's newest member who won her MP seat by hiding behind way more capable leaders like Jamus Lim & Pritam Singh. She was selected as she modeled herself as a campaigner for the Malay Youth without telling everyone about her privileged upbringing.
Prior to getting elected, two separate police reports were lodged against Raeesah for allegedly making two online comments, both relating to the discrimination of race and religion. She was then issued a strong warning for her inconsiderate posts:
Now during a Parliamentary session, she has tried to besmirch the good reputation of our Singapore Police Force by alleging that our proud police force had mishandled a rape case.
When probed for more details so that reification can be done, she has only tried to avoid the question by informing the Police that she couldn't find details of the case.
This scenario only gives us 2 possible views of MP Khan's character.
1. That she is a liar who fabricated the story to bolster her reputation and score political points at the expense of our Singapore Police Force.
2. That she is horribly incompetent that she doesn't come prepared with facts during her paliarment sitting. Can we allow such an incompetent person to be a MP to represent the will of our people?
Hence, we should call on the Workers Party to discipline her and remove her from the post of MP if the WP stands for Honesty, Integrity and Competence and want to show to the rest of Singapore that we can have an opposition party that can truly benefit the people.