Making The Gr. 11 Activism Course Optional

Here at Jean Augustine, the motto SAIL, Service, Advocacy, Innovation, and Leadership, is practiced and preached. This same motto had been implemented in many of our classes. Therefore, there should be no surprise that such a school would have a course teaching leadership through the principles of activism. This course improves students leadership, communication, and collarbrative skills while also teaching them project amd task mangament skill and so much more. This skills can be applied anywhere, creatimg a successful student who is an asset to any team im both the present and future.
However, the course should not be mandatory. Even with these useful skills to learn in the class, it is still taught through activism. Activism and advocacy are meant for those who are passionate amd dedicated to the work and the cause. Very little can be drawn when this is a subject you find hard to care about. When 4 students of the course were interviewed 3 out of 4 of them agreed the it shouldn’t be mandatory, including a student who wished to continue with the course in grade 12.
Therefore, if this is a problem that you know to be true, sign this petition so that we can have a say in changing this compulsory class to optional.This petition will be presented to Ms. Dussim, the courses teachers, and anyone else who it concerns.