Backpacks at Merrick Avenue Middle School

Dear Mrs. Blum, The students at Merrick Avenue Middle School would like to have back packs at school. One reason is that we have to go to our locker many times a day. If some ones locker is near the art room it is hard for them to go there with out being tardy for there class. Another reason is that we are encouraged to go during our lunch period. Teachers don't like it when there are people going to there lockers while there class is going on so they scare them away with detention. Another example is people with 7th period lunch, It is hard to maintain a normal schedule without a backpack. We are aware of some of the cons of Backpacks. It is a hazard in the hallway if they get bumped into. I believe that it is more dangerous when students stop in the hallway to talk to friends. We hope you take into consideration bringing back backpacks Thank You!