Manage Growth Responsibly
We, the undersigned, do not support the Manor House planned residential development proposed between Mullen and 58th, bordered by Kagy.
Simply put, 82 acres of land is too large, and 620 units of single-family homes, duplexes, and apartments is too many. To look at one metric, area traffic is already at capacity during peak hours.
Furthermore, the clearing of trees and fields will damage our fragile storm-water systems, risking floods and property damage. The addition would also place undue strains on our water supply, which is currently served by a community provider. We are also concerned about the capacity of schools, the fire department and the police department to be able to serve the community with these significant increases to the population.
Nor should the proposed development be exempted from the federal protections for the Mazama pocket gopher, with current residents unfairly held to a higher standard.
We are dedicated to the continued responsible stewardship of our community’s resources.