Mandatory microchipping and spay/neuter in Harker Heights

We, the residents of Harker Heights, do respectfully request and demand that the city of Harker Heights enact an ordinance making the microchipping and spay or neuter of all animals residing in our city mandatory. Specifically, we are referring to the ordinance proposal submitted to the Assistant City Manager on 30 August 2017 and put on the agenda for the city council meeting on 12 September 2017.
The ordinance requires that:
1. All animals over four months of age residing within city limits be microchipped and spayed or neutered.
2. Residents can apply for an exemption for their pet to the spay or neuter procedure if a letter from their veterinarian states that the procedure presents a danger to the animal's health.
3. Breeders can apply for a license allowing for two litters a year per animal, and are limited to one license a year.
4. Exemptions may also be granted for animals trained for official rescue or police work.
We request and demand that the process of vetting the proposed changes be put into action immediately, and that the entire process be carried with the greatest possible speed.
The residents of Harker Heights, Texas.