Mandatory Snack Contributions by Dakshin Ghai
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
We, the undersigned roommates of 342, believe in fostering a fair and equitable system of food sharing. To uphold this principle, we propose that Dakshin Ghai must contribute to our collective snack pool whenever he joins us. The following conditions apply:
1. Dakshin must bring something edible to share with the group.
2. The item must not have coconut as its main ingredient.
Failure to meet this requirement will result in Dakshin being restricted from enjoying any food items brought by other roommates. This rule is essential to maintain balance and encourage everyone to contribute to our shared culinary experiences.
Sign this petition to ensure fairness and uphold the spirit of shared responsibility in Room 342!