Marina Sirtis to join Doctor Who

It's about time we had a female equal on Doctor Who. It's been many decades with many companions yet not one woman that could match the omnipotent Doctor. We live in a very modern era so it's time we brought on an equal. Since "everything" changed in the last Doctor Who special, with Gallifrey not being destroyed, the possibilities are endless with where the series can go. Add another Time Lord. Perhaps add an equal of sorts that will keep our Doctor on his toes, a sister? or other relative, friend someone of the like. Right! Now that we have that sorted out on how we can add an "equal" to the Doctor, who would play this role perfectly? Marina Sirtis comes to mind when I think of the perfect actress to fill this role. Not only is she talented and has the English accent (a must for Time Lords), she would bring a noble, mature, yet youthful element to a target audience of all ages. Those that remember her for her previous roles would feel a sense of comfort and others that don't know her would most certainly fall in love with her presence as the rest of us have over the years. Please sign this petition so we can get enough signatures for the people at Doctor Who, hopefully they will recognize Marina Sirtis to be a perfect addition to their cast!