Save Mid-Miami-Beach, Say NO to 42nd Street Condos
** UPDATED NOTICE ** Thank you for all your signatures, and great comments! This petition, along with the paper petitions, were submitted to the City of Miami Beach on Dec. 12th, 2006, for review by the board in preparation for the Dec. 19th Public Hearing. If you have not yet signed and wish to do so, you may still sign the petition here, but to ensure your opinion counts, please send an email to Mr. Charles Taft of the City of Miami Beach (see right) stating your objection. ** NOTE ** Any solicitations following signing are NOT connected at all to our organization! They are completely optional, and connected with the support of! SAVE MID-BEACH, SAVE MIAMI BEACH, SAY NO TO CONDOS WHERE ONE OVERSIZED CONDO GOES, MORE WILL FOLLOW KEEP THE CONDOS OUT OF OUR MID-BEACH NEIGHBORHOODS ** IMPORTANT ** If you have already signed a paper petition for this cause, please do not submit your signature here. NOTE: Your Residential Address and Email Address will not be displayed on the petition site. The information provided here will be used for the purpose of presenting this petition to the City of Miami Beach Commission Chambers. If you prefer to sign the paper version, please visit our blog site for additional contact information. We, the undersigned, are opposed without qualification to the massive townhouse/ parking garage/condominium structure proposed for the parking lots fronting 42nd Street, between Pine Tree Drive and Sheridan Avenue, Miami Beach, on the grounds that it is, in design and execution, incompatible with the residential neighborhood over which it will loom. The proposed structure is too massive for this community of single family homes and small apartments. It will worsen traffic congestion on the already gridlocked 41st Street , especially the notoriously dangerous intersections at Sheridan Avenue and 41st Street and Pine Tree Drive and 41st Street . It will increase commuter traffic throughout the neighborhood as drivers seek to escape gridlock and thereby contribute to a decline in public safety. It will stress an already strained infrastructure and lead to a general diminution in the quality of life in the neighborhood. We ask the planning board to reject this application with prejudice.