Minority girls must be protected from rape, murder and forced Islamic Marriage

A Christian girl was brutally burned in an acid attack which left her fighting for her life with 90% burns. Asma is one of many Christian girls spurned, kidnapped and raped or killed for spurning the attention of Muslim men or simply being prey for them. Read her story (here)
If you are a Christian girl in Pakistan you face the potential of being one of the 700 who are kidnapped, raped and forced into Islamic marriage every year (click here). If not you face sexual harassment or being burnt by acid by the Muslim man who cant accept when you spurn his love.
This treatment of vulnerable Christian girls must stop. We call on the Government and Judiciary to serve stiffer sentences on perpetrators of such crime
We call on the Government to introduce a new more capable and efficient police ombudsman who will have the responsibility to ensure minority families pursuing crimes against their daughters are provided fair and appropriate treatment (without the need of solicitors and MPs like in most civilised countries).
We call on the Judiciary of Pakistan to put their bias behind them and provide fair trials upholding the law of the land and the constitution above their passion for sharia law.
We call on the Pakistani Government to create a new more robust training programme for judges, lawyers and police authorities that tackles this issue.
We call for them to create a workable professional standards process that can remove from post those who breach fairness and justice protocols.