Bring a Mobile PET Scan Unit to Northeastern Ontario

It is wonderful news that the City of Greater Sudbury is getting a permanent PET Scanner and congratulations to those who have contributed to make the late Sam Bruno’s dream a reality. It will, however, take at least two years to tender, design and construct the facility for this new PET Scanner. In the meantime, patients who are ill, weakened, and stressed still have to drive to Toronto for testing until our PET Scanner is in place. This is difficult and stressful for many families, but there is a temporary solution: the Mobile PET Scan Unit.
For those who don’t know, a PET Scan is an imaging test using the most advanced technology that allows your doctor to check for diseases in your body. Pet Scanning is the global cornerstone of imaging. It is an ideal way to identify a variety of conditions including some cancers, heart disease, and brain disorders. This is a key piece in modern medical care.
We can have a mobile PET Scanner operating in Sudbury until the new facility is ready and we need your support to make this happen.
The turn-key mobile PET Scan unit can be set up in a matter of days at any local medical health facility. All we need is a 220 volt power outlet. This unit could travel from HSN in Sudbury to other centres across Northeastern Ontario as needed, to serve the widest possible groups of patients.
Take a look at a typical Mobile Pet Scan Unit https://youtu.be/lVLI3OoLFUM
Please join us in sharing your voice to bring a Mobile PET Unit to Northeastern Ontario ASAP. Sign the petition below and share with your friends, family and colleagues via email and social media.
I, the undersigned, support bringing a Mobile Pet Scan unit to Northeastern Ontario immediately. I understand that a permanent facility is in the works for HSN in Sudbury, but this will likely take time to become a reality. I would like Northeastern Ontario patients and physicians to be able to access this technology as soon as possible. The sooner we start performing PET Scans, the sooner we can help improve medical care for all Northeastern Ontarians.
I am adding my name to this petition to encourage our governments and medical authorities at all levels to make this happen as soon as possible.