Modesto Indoor Skatepark
Skateboarding has been relevant since the 1950's. Over 13 million kids 18 and under are devoted
to their passion! Thousands of communities agree if they were to build another skatepark it
would be bigger and better because the fact is that skateparks designed to succeed, do! Here
are seven reasons why we need another skatepark in modesto and why we would prefer a large
indoor facility.
1- much of the year outdoor skateparks are unskateable by users due to harsh weather
2- remote skateparks attract people looking to skate in seclusion or people with means to reach them.
3- a larger indoor facility designed to impress will attract enthusiasts nationally. There are skateparks
globally that could be compared to Disneyland in the eyes of a skateboarder which would generate
revenue locally as skaters, guests, etc will eat, sleep and shop in Modesto.
4- in downtown modesto it is against the law to skate , well let's give them a spot to skate downtown
where it's ok. We acknowledge Modesto Municipal Code 3-2.808 Use of Coasters, Roller Skates and
Similar Devices Restricted. It shall be unlawful for any person upon roller skates or riding on or by means
of a skateboard, coaster or similar device to go upon any roadway in the City or in any City-owned
parking lot or City-owned parking structure or in the City of Modesto Transportation Center or in the
City of Modesto Amtrak Station or upon the sidewalk in any business district as defined by Section
235 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California or any property of the Modesto City School District,
Sylvan Unified School District or Empire Union School District. Provided, however, the Council may,
by resolution, grant approval for the use of roadways, City-owned parking lots, City-owned parking
structures, and sidewalks for organized skating events of community-wide interest and importance,
and that the Public Works Director, or such persons as may be designated by the Director, may grant
approval for use of City park parking lots for organized skating events of community-wide interest and
importance. In granting such approval, the Council and the Director or the Director's designee may
impose such conditions, restrictions and requirements as they deem necessary or desirable in order to
protect the public interest and promote the general welfare.
5- incentive. Kids who do good in school will be rewarded with the many amenities of such a facility at
no cost. And a tutoring program could be implemented for kids who want to gain free access, showing
effort is the start of success, we must reward effort and positivity with effort and positivity.
6- social cohesion. The brotherhood of skating has strong bonds and crosses economic, geographic,
ethnic, and even language barriers. We should be utilizing this fact more to influence our children's
values. 80% of skaters are under 18 so it's a great playing field to effect a generation.
7-after school programs and education. Most skateboarders devote several hours at least a few days
a week to develop their skills, they do this without coaches, leagues, or sometimes even appropriate
8.-- In the United States, less than half of all skateboarders (49%) live less than five miles from their
nearest skatepark. As a result, two-thirds (69%) of them skate wherever they can. This includes local
parking lots, loading docks, garages, plazas, and building entrances. As their skills improve and tastes
change, they continually seek new places to skate. Nearly two-thirds (62%) of all skaters skate a mix of
regular and new spots, while about a third (32%) usually skate at the same places again and again.
There is still an untapped potential far beyond the mere building of a skatepark. We have an opportunity
to effect the next generation of modesto. A place of recreation and role modeling is just what we need
to make a change.
Modesto spent $147,000 on a 13,000 square foot skatepark in 1998. A committee raised $61,000 in
cash and in kind donations to get it approved. My goal is to raise much more and to have a far superior
facility that is world renown. We have seen and done the local skatepark and modesto has literally
written a book on how to get a local skatepark in your community.
What we haven't done is built a consistently used facility that effects many generations positively and
has a perpetual relevance in our community.
Can we provide the venue where Modesto pulls off something akin to ESPN's X Games for extreme
sports, held in San Francisco, attracted more than 200,000 spectators and 400 international competitors
in events for skateboarding, inline skating and BMX biking. First-place winners took home $10,000 and
what the City of San Francisco took in was much more in name recognition, collateral revenue and
revitalization of City cooperation?
We, Special Projects Unlimited-MODESTO and these supporters here and in the skating community
throughout the United States beclieve we can and will, but we need the Cities help and cooperation.
Thank you for your time and consideration.