More Wine, Less Swine

There is a new hog confinement being set up 2.59 miles Southwest of our business, Ardon Creek Vineyard and Winery, which hosts weddings, reunions, and events during the spring, summer, and fall months.
There is already a hog confinement approximately 1.5 miles East of our business that we can smell when the wind blows from the East, which is atypical but does happen. Wind comes from the southwest much more often than the East.
We are concerned about the drift of the hog smell affecting our business and are requesting either adequate steps be taken to assure there is no smell drift from the confinement itself or from the spread of manure. Alternately, we recommend the facility be relocated where it won't impact our well established business.
To help us ensure that the facility won't impact our business, we are requesting assurances from Muscatine County and the DNR that:
1. The quality of air at an established business will not be affected by the proposed building.
2. The proposed facility will be monitored to assure it complies with all health and safety standards.
3. There is adequate data to support the State of Iowa's minimum distance between residences/businesses and various agricultural confinements and manure basins.
If you support "hog-free" air at our music events or personal events or even just in our tasting room, please add your signature to this petition.