We want more tickets from UEFA and the FA!!!

Please add your name to this petition and forward to as many people as you can. This will then be sent to UEFA, the FA and relevant media organisations to highlight this campaign. UEFA and the FA have recently demonstrated their incompetence with distributing Champions League and FA Cup final tickets. In the Champions League the "UEFA Family" were provided 20,000 tickets - 3,000 more tickets than each club and a further 9,000 tickets were allocated to the general public via a UEFA ballot. Due to this fan unfriendly approach many genuine fans have missed out on tickets, however many have gone to the extreme of buying tickets at highly inflated prices on the black market. Due to the number of tickets being sold on and at high prices there seems little justification in UEFA's ticket allocation policy and this appears to facilitate the touting of tickets - something both UEFA and the FA are trying to eradicate. UEFA and its communications director, William Gaillard, attempt to justify their policy every time when questioned yet fail to realise their own shortcomings. Surely if the majority of tickets were made available to the clubs concerned then genuine fans would benefit, fewer fans would attempt to buy tickets illegally and fewer tickets would be available on the black market as the vast majority of genuine fans would not sell on their tickets. A similar situation has been seen with the distribution of FA Cup final tickets by the FA. Man Utd and Chelsea only received 25,000 tickets each out of a total capacity of 90,000. Why so many tickets again for "the football family" Corporate and commercial reasons appear to be the main drivers behind this and involve thousands of tickets going to companies and individuals who have no real interest in the tickets apart from selling them on for a profit. UEFA and the FA are both culpable for this situation and seem unwilling to change this because of the money generated for both their organisations and also for the individuals supposedly working for the development of the football communities in Europe. Both UEFA and the FA must change their ticketing policy with immediate effect! Unless change happens this will become a recurring problem that will not help fans and will continue to tarnish the reputations of both UEFA and the FA. If you feel strongly about this please add your name to the petition. The aim is to get over 10,000 names to forward to UEFA, the FA and relevant media organisations to highlight this campaign. Thanks for your time!