Morgellons: Holding the Government Responsible for Lack of Care.
Dear CDC, WHO and all Healthcare paid by Taxpayers money:
We are the many that have a condition of massive amounts of fibers in our bodies without the medical research money needed to investigate what they are or where they come from because you have failed to admit that a real condition that is physiological and not psychological exists. Therefore we are putting you on notice. Any person who falls ill with this condition which can be documented as true by fiber recognitation within a wound, after the date your organization receives this notice, we the inflicted are holding the US Government and its Health Organizations responsible for any and all loss of work or health. The fact being that these organizations, beginning with the CDC refuse to acknowledge its' true physiological symptomology and insists on posting false information consisting of lies on the CDC website referring to research which was nothing more than junk science. This atrocity causing the delimma that no medical professional may code for billing or research thus leaving us physiologically ill and in distress mentally and without hope of a cure or the ability to find the cause.
We are aware that you are not the cause of the disease but are the cause of the perpetuation of the disease by not allowing medical doctors to treat or for science to find the cause.
We the tax payers deserve to be medically protected from a disease of unknown origin that does not yet exist in your medical library.
We are holding the United States Government personally responsible for knowing this exists and doing nothing to help its tax payers and only perpetuating harm to its citizens.