Plastic Bag Ban in Minneapolis
Do you get a tinge of anger every time you see someone carrying one of
those disposable plastic bags? If so, you are in the right place! Join us as
we try to ban these wasteful eco-villains in Minneapolis!
Cities and countries throughout the world are establishing laws that ban the
use of plastic bags, and for good reason! Globally, between 500 billion
and a trillion are used each year, and the vast majority of these end
up in landfills or as litter. Petroleum-based bags don't biodegrade,
they photodegrade into smaller and smaller particles, eventually
becoming toxins in the environment where they enter the food chain and
threaten the planet's biodiversity.
Let's follow San Francisco's lead and be the 2nd city in the US that bans the bags. This would be a strong message for Minneapolis to the rest of the country
and world, declaring that we understand our impacts and are committed
to finding long-term solutions.