Re - hiring of Mr. Mills as Principal for LES
Melanie Conklin 0

Re - hiring of Mr. Mills as Principal for LES

174 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Melanie Conklin 0 Comments
174 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We as parents and /or teachers are signing this petition in hopes of the consideration of the hiring of Mr. Brian Mills as the Principal of Lakeshore Elementary for the 2009-2010 school year replacing the retiring Mrs. Aman. Mr. Mills was our Vice Principal at our school up until early 2009. He was a wonderful person to the kids and teachers alike. Mr. Mills knows our school, its policies and day to day functions. Also Lakeshore has done a tremendous turnaround with our end of the year scores and I am positive Mr. Mills surely facilitated in this improvement and we know he will continue to strive as Principal. I know how important this is to the parents of Lakeshore and would love to keep this going even further. The students all looked up to him in one way or another. He was very active with our PTO and was at almost all, if not all school events even during his short leave. His family is very active in our community. I think Mr. Mills is the right choice for the job. There is no need for any further adjustments to be made to our children. The loss of our Principal to retirement, a relatively new Vice Principal to our school, along with the new larger class sizes will greatly impact our children. Please take this petition into consideration when making your final decision.

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