Muffled Joyful Noise

Dear fellow members of the body of Christ,
United Church of God has recently posted a Feast of Tabernacles update requiring the wearing of masks during the song services at all Feast sites regardless of state or federal mandates. See Link:
This petition is asking the United Church of God to withdraw this requirement for any feasts sites not required by a state or federal mandate. To allow each member to make their own personal choice to wear or not wear a mask during the song service. It is not a petition on whether we should be wearing or not wearing masks in general.
The first and greatest commandment is to love our father with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength. Then we are to love our neighbor. Romans 14 was cited as a reason on why we should be willing to wear a mask for song services. In Romans it speaks of not judging one another. Can we not eliminate this mandate and all not judge each other on whether we wear or don't wear a mask? Mutual respect in love for each other. There has been special consideration for those who'd like more precautions. Can the same consideration be allowed for those of us who don't want the additional requirements? We are simply asking for our choice to stay our choice. Allowing each of us our personal freedom to make decisions based on our own personal convictions.
Thank you for listening and I hope we can worship together in peace and unity.