MUSEjar on Pine Street

My name is Vanessa Frost and I am the owner of MUSEjar, the all-things-art shop located on Elm Street in East Aurora. Our current space (17-21 Elm Street) has been sold and we are in need of a new home.
17-21 Elm Street has provided us with over 5,000 square feet of flexible, inspiring space that has helped us expand our offerings over the last nine years. In addition to our retail business, we have also developed an education component which has cultivated creativity for our community. We currently have over fifty private lesson students and a growing class calendar that consists of over thirty classes each month.
For our new home, we are hoping for a similar building with good bones to allow us to fulfill our unique, evolving business. The most important thing is that we stay in East Aurora. We cannot imagine MUSEjar being anywhere else, as our success is due largely in part to our wonderful community.
We have found a perfect opportunity to relocate MUSEjar just a few short blocks away to 70 Church Street, home to the original Fisher Price buildings. This space is large enough and certainly, eccentric enough to accommodate all of MUSEjar’s needs. We are hoping to split the property and only rezone the Pine Street side. In doing so, we are striving for minimal impact on Church Street and uplifting revitalization on Pine Street.
Myself and the MUSEjar family are reaching out to ask for your assistance as we propose this plan to the Village Board and the Planning Commission. We are hoping that with the neighborhood's support on this new venture, the village will vote in our favor! We thank you in advance for your advocacy.