Muslims are not terrorist
Syed Nawaz Huda 0

Muslims are not terrorist

849 signers. Add your name now!
Syed Nawaz Huda 0 Comments
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Marc Baréty
Ambassador of France to Pakistan
Diplomatic Enclave -G5- GPO Box 1068
Tel: [92] (51) 201 14 14
Mr. Ambassador Barety,
This is to bring to your kind notice that Muslim all over the world are continuously experiencing and monitoring defamation issues against Islam through different international media directed by administration sources, especially your sweet homeland.
The main purpose of this letter is to raise serious concern among Muslims about the publication of an anti-Islamic sketch (caricature) by your country magazine, especially Charlie Hebdo, which indeed had the full support of your President. We Muslims are amazed that the President of such a democratic country, without the support of the people of his country, is insulting the Messenger of Allah to satisfy his personal ego although your country France also has a large number of religious people. It is surprising how the blasphemy of God's prophets is being tolerated!
As you know better than we do that in France there are laws against personal insults and
defamation, yet, does it not mean that denying it and insulting the Apostle of God indicate that the French President is speaking against the constitution of his own country? Can the President
of a civilized country perpetrate such activities, although his elevated personal capacity and
actions under the purview of the law should be very high in terms of the rule and writ of law?
Mr. Ambassador, you are well aware that there are anti-blasphemy laws in the European Union and the United Nations. In the context of laws of the civilized world, it is clear that punishment for any crime is given only to those who commit it or to those who are involved in that crime in some way. Despite such stringent laws, how are such personal crimes associated with religion,
Mr. Ambassador, in this regard, we Muslims would like to address the whole world through your esteemed capacity and enquire on what grounds are Muslims called terrorists.
1. There is currently no country in the world where a true Islamic system is in vogue. In all so-called Muslim countries, majority of which are a product of the British and French colonial systems, the powerful class dominates its masses. Are the actions of such so-called Muslim countries’ authorities justifiable with true Islamic Ideology?
2. The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi is a testament to the extent to which Muslims live in fear. The number of missing persons repeatedly makes one realize that Muslims are helpless.Which country of the world comes forward to support Muslims against oligarchies, kings and Military Establishment?
3. We are challenging scholars of the world to highlight which powers of the world stand with Muslim nations. On review, you will reiterate that Superpowers and their allies have always been a part and supporter of dictatorial attitudes.
4. Were Muslims a part of the UNO that was created after World War II? Five countries were given the status of superpowers in the UNO and a series of wars and terrorism started in the world. Is any superpower a follower of Islam? Here a question becomes pertinent, who was responsible for these wars and terrorism?
5. Who created the atmosphere of constant hatred and terror to gain supremacy in the world? Which countries initiated and provoked the Cold War? Who used Muslims as its fuel?
6. The mission of the UN was the establishment of global peace and all its member states were under oath to honour its laws and treaties. So, did the UN deliver justice?
7. The UNO superpowers and their allies hate Islam. The UNO with their noble mission are comprised of superpowers and their allies. Muslims worldwide like to know why they lodge a hatred for Muslims and why terrorism is being perpetrated world over under the umbrella of the UNO.
8. Why did the Iran-Iraq war last so long? While the supremacy in the world was established by those who call themselves civilized and boast about the protection of animal rights; why could they not end this war? Because the parties that benefited from this war belonged to the so-called
civilized world and those who died were Muslims.
9. The United Nations wakes up to the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq in such a way that it destroys Iraq, but its eyes are closed on the aggression of Israel on Palestine, Jordan, Egypt. Was it not the UN authority which nurtured this oppression related to Islam?
10. Millions of Iraqis have been put to death on the pretext of having weapons of mass destruction. Tony Blair himself shed tears over this senseless massacre that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. Did the world witness the courage of those weak Muslims who did not get access to any justice from any institution for their massacre?
11.Who destroyed the New York Twin Towers? Could the world's tallest building have
collapsed just by a plane crash? In the Pakistani city of Karachi, a plane crashed into small houses, but these small houses were not completely destroyed, so the question of Twin Towers still looms large.
11. CIA agent’s initial enquiry on who carried out the 9/11 incident, proves that the word Islam was not included as initiator of in this terrorism. Why then the perpetrators of this terrorism are proclaimed as Muslims and subsequently oppressed?
13. Who created Al Qaeda? Who has been using it? Who rained down the world's worst bombs
and missiles on Afghanistan based on the pretext of Osama bin Laden’s presence?
14. How was the missing bin Laden found in Pakistan; was this whole stunt maneuvered for election benefits. Why was his body shrouded in mystery after he was killed? Who benefited from this blind operation?
15. Who created ISIS? By whom was Syria destroyed? The world does not know the confession of Trump and Hillary Clinton?
16. Today, millions of Muslims are homeless. Is this the dire condition of believers of any other
religion in the world? If Muslims were terrorists or Islamic teachings promoted terrorism, would anyone who denied following Islam survive during the historic Muslim reigns of the world?
17. Islam means the giver of peace. Khatam-un-Nabiyyin Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is the one who put into practice the concept of Welfare State, introducing peoples’ participation in the state along with protection of their rights and, who did not appoint anyone on their behalf to the state they had formed but left the decision to the people. Would such a great and Nobel personality be called a peacemaker or a war mongerer?
18. Making fun of a leader whose laws have the stamp of protection of fundamental rights should be considered a greater crime than demolishing the Kaaba, the religious center of Muslims. It is possible that a leader whose teachings not only include the provision of protection of fundamental rights but also preached and practiced the protection of all creatures from harmful substances, encourage anyone to kill without any excuse or pretext?
11. In a religion where the fight against oppression is called Jihad, where the use of weapons against children, the elderly and women is not permitted unless one of them initiates a fight,unjust killing of human beings is considered the murder of humanity, as also the protection of fields and orchards was ensured even on the event of war; could followers of such a religion be supporters of oppression? The one who associates such a religion with terrorism may be stamped as ignorant because he made accusations without investigation and understanding of basic tenets
of the religion, Islam.
20. A religion whose leader's family challenged the dictator for the survival of democracy and sacrificed majority of their close relatives ranging from a 6-month-old baby to a young man, but who did not bow to dictatorship. It is not possible for followers of such an ideology that gives
life to humanity to commit terrorism on innocent people.
21. During the Cold war, waged in Afghanistan over several years, major powers played a bloody game and formed groups to carry out guerrilla operations against Russia. The Jihad against Russia was declared by the leaders of the so-called Muslim countries (who represented mainly materialist ideologies) in order to obtain combatant. Uneducated, simple Muslims have been utilized in the name of Jihad. When Russia was defeated, Al-Qaeda was formed to get rid of these groups and they were tagged as terrorists and Muslims began to be portrayed as a symbol of terror and fear around the world. Al Qaeda disappeared from the world. How many pre-1990 incidents can Europe and the United States present to the world in which Muslims have been accused of terrorism? Had they been Muslims and terrorists, they would not have been there since 1990, but from the time when the worst atrocities were perpetrated against them.
In order to keep the people away from the teachings of Islam, organizations like ISIS and Al-Shabab were introduced and their heinous deeds were linked to Islam. The process of making movies, animated movies, and cartoon-like sketches of the Prophets of Islam (Peace be upon him) was started and the process was intensified.
Islamists were already grieving over the making of insulting films about Noah, Moses, and Jesus etc. In order to inflict further pain and anger a series of insults to injury were added against the
last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Allah's prophets never supported oppression except to promulgate laws & social justice and save
humanity from oppression. But the backward minded satanic priests launched a vicious
campaign against Islam to propagate their abominable thoughts and deeds and started insulting
religions after depriving millions of people of their lives in its course.
Mr. Ambassador, recent tragic events have demonstrated that demonizing words, movies and
caricatures have real and harmful consequences. Not only do such messages ferment hate and make coexistence and understanding more difficult to achieve, on the contrary they incite violence.
I look forward to your timely reply and hope we can work together to convey a strong message whereby defamation and demonization have no place in France.


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