MW3 Wii: Missing Game Modes and Increased Support
signers. Add your name now!
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Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
This Petition is an attempt to make a formal statement to Treyarch, Activision, and Infinity Ward, in regard to the lack of custom game modes as well support for the Wii version of Call of Duty MW3. We, as Wii gamers are you used to having a somewhat different experience on our console of choice, with your well established Call of Duty franchise. We also understand that said system has less capacity and less power than many of the other consoles that are out on the market today. We, as a community, understand that pointstreaks, as well as killcams, and many other features had to be removed from the Wii version, which is totally understandable.
However, we, as your customers have spent a fair amount of money on your game, and we have come to expect some doable additions to be included. The main point that we are trying to get across involves the lack of custom game modes for the Wii version of MW3. Unlike the other consoles, we do not have Gun Game, Infection, Dropzone, Team Juggernaut, Juggernaut, One in the Chamber, or any other game modes outside of what was originally included in the public playlist of the game, to be used in our privately hosted games.
Upon calling Activision to hopefully get answers, one of your customer support agents told me that said game modes were omitted due to a lack of disk space. When in reality many hackers have found said missing game modes on the game disk and have used them to host their own illegal lobbies. Look up "MW3 Wii Infection," on you'll see what I mean. Supposedly these game modes have been there from the start, all that needs to be done is for them to be unlocked, possibly with a patch.
Yet what we have found frustratingly familiar with the Call of Duty series, is the lack of support via patches and hotfixes. Although I am very grateful that a little while ago a game breaking glitch, where players would shoot at the ground after unloading their grenade launcher's ammo into the sky, was almost immediately fixed, we as a community, fear that such support of the game is to be short-lived. Despite many of the glitches that are still haunting this game. Two of the more noticeable glitches include:
A lack of aim assist for the classic controller pro
Computer contolled pointstreaks that are unable to shoot a
moving target
Our goals are simple, we hope to see a bit more support for the game that each of us paid good money for. We understand that you don't need to do anything, we already bought your game. Yet, understand that to us it is upsetting to see the other versions of MW3 being taken care of with full support and frequent patches, while we are left to sit in the dust, almost as if we are a kid looking in on a party that he or she was not invited to.
As for why I have started this petition, I recently saw a petition started by the xbox 360 and he ps3 communities for MW3 started to get Infection included in the public playlist, and seeing their success gave me a new hope. Also because I am tired of sitting around and waiting, because frankly, we have been doing that for years. So I figured that a diplomatic attempt at getting results was better than nothing, and even if we fail to get the desired effect, at least in the end we can say that we tried.
By signing this petition you agree that you want to see the many glitches in MW3 to be patched as well as the many missing game modes to be added in, and, overall, you want a better Call Of Duty: MW3 Wii experience.