I subscribe to the axiom \"Keep it simple, stupid\". It\'s to be expected these days that certain programs, applications or processes that have been working just fine will be re-engineered by someone who would like to think they can make improvements. Well, sometimes the improved versions truly are improved. However, there are times when the \"new, improved\" versions (even with added, usable features) become clumsy and ugly. The recent \"My eBay 2.0\" is an example of this ugliness and clumsiness. It\'s so busy with links, icons, pages, sidebars, options, etc ... that it has become more quicksand than quick. It\'s more complicated to navigate than the previous \"My eBay\", the little icons (stars, sound bubbles, dollar signs, boxes) are an eyesore, they\'re not attractive, and ... quite frankly ... look juvenile. If something seems to be working well, perhaps an added feature or some streamlining could improve or enhance it .... but to take something that seems to be working well, and then create a complex, visually ugly and frustrating game out of it does not make much sense. I don\'t eBay full time, but I have enjoyed doing it for 6 years. My time is valuable to me. I don\'t want or need an application that causes me frustration and takes up my time. I\'m happy to allow eBay to profit when they allow me to offer my items for auction. Ebay profits whether my items sell or not. You see, eBay users support eBay. Ebay profit because of me and all the other eBay users, and we can profit because of eBay. That\'s fine, but eBay should not force me or anyone to be a Beta tester for new products. This new \"My eBay 2.0\" should go back to the drawing board (if not the trash bin). The software designer or engineer who thunk it up should be fired ... or forced to actually conduct some testing. Bring back the previous \"My eBay\" !!!! PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION, AND SHARE IT WITH OTHERS YOU KNOW WHO USE EBAY. ALSO: LET EBAY KNOW!!! Send your comments about MyeBay2.0 to: Ebay is not going to listen unless they hear from many users. NOTE: For the purpose of this petition, you DO NOT need to include your email address. I\'m suggesting that you DO NOT INCLUDE your email address. If you wish to include your eBay ID, that\'ll be fine, since I\'m going to send eBay updated lists of signers. Thanks!! UPDATE: I had posted the link to this petition in several topically appropriate places on one of the eBay discussion boards (Community Help Boards > My eBay). About an hour after I posted, I received an email from the \"eBay Moderation Team\", warning me that my eBay account was involved in activities which are not permitted on eBay. Since I was curious about what I had done wrong, I replied asking for a more specific explanation. Well, I didn\'t get a reply to to my reply ... but exactly 2 hours later I received another email from the \"eBay Moderation\" team. There\'s nothing \"moderate\" about the eBay Moderation team. Here\'s a quote from that second email: \"You have previously been warned for inappropriate board activities, and asked to review our Board Usage Policies. Therefore, we are revoking all privileges of posting on any eBay board or groups, for an indefinite period of time.\" This was exactly 2 hours after I was first \"warned\", which was about 1 hour after I posted the link to this petition. I would like to believe that the good folks at eBay are genuinely concerned about their users comments and feedback about \"My eBay 2.0\". Wouldn\'t you like to believe that