My School...My Creekside...My Choice
We, the undersigned, support the children of Creekside Elementary school and are opposed to re-drawing our attendance zone in an attempt to hastily solve the overcrowding occurring at Creekside. Durham citizens do not wish for our children to face the many problems found in the Wake County school system. Durham County residents have shown their commitment to our children with the repeated successful passage of school construction and renovation bonds. The South Durham area has seen concentrated, rapid growth much like Wake County. The strain of this growth on public school systems is evidenced by the forced and repeated redistricting in Wake County, which has only shuffled around the overcrowding problem. This constant shuffling, affects the sense of community at individual schools and, in turn, the momentum and specific action plans of schools striving to meet NCLB legislation and/or to become Schools of Excellence. We value the economic and ethnic diversity of our school population and are proud of our dedicated and talented staffs that strive to transform Creekside into a School of Excellence even under stressful conditions. We ask you (1) to expeditiously move ahead with the 8-classroom expansion so that it can be completed no later than the beginning of the 2009 â