Myst Hookah Lounge
I, Khiry Boston, business owner and resident would like to open and operate my business Myst Hookah Lounge in our neighborhood at 113 N 5th St. (Store Front) Reading, Pa 19601. However, on July 29th, 2018 my business plan was denied by Zoning and I am appealing their decision. I believe this business will allow our residents, businessmen/women, college students and visitors (18 and over) to have a place to meet safely to socialize, study, conduct business meetings, and network. This location is convenient and safe, and will liven up our neighborhood, and attract business to this area.
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to allow, Khiry Boston, business owner and resident to open and operate his business Myst Hookah Lounge in our neighborhood / an in the City of Reading.