NCARB ARE Exam Changes

By the potential elimination of physical scratch paper slated for November 16th, 2020, NCARB has once again shown us that there is a massive disconnect between ARE test candidate and administrator. With all of the current short comings of the exam potential architects have already faced, NCARB has failed to acknowledge the simple necessities that are essential to take an exam of this caliber.
With all the short comings we have already experienced with this exam we ask NCARB to reconsider these changes and to continue to allow scratch paper to be used for these exams. We ask NCARB to focus on solutions to the existing testing glitches, bugs, and errors instead of implementing unnecessary features like a digital scratch paper tool. Physical scratch paper is widely used throughout the professional level exams proctored at Prometric, and there are procedures already in place that ensure proper exam security is met.
NCARB, Please do better to HELP us pursue licensure, listen to your test takers, and find a better solution.
Please also head over to https://youngarchitect.com/NCARBsurvey and let NCARB see the data for themselves!