Neighborhood Input for Development on Grand Ave. near Olive St.
Linda Reeder 0

Neighborhood Input for Development on Grand Ave. near Olive St.

61 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Linda Reeder 0 Comments
61 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the undersigned residents of New Haven, CT request the City of New Haven, the City Plan Commission, Planning & Zoning, and City Plan to require public hearings for site plan and other reviews and to solicit community and expert input for any development proposed for 873, 887, and 897 Grand Avenue (near the intersection with Olive Street, partly previously occupied by Unger’s Flooring).

This is an important site that neighbors have been engaged with since 2019, creating planning studies, proposing appropriate zoning regulations, and meeting with City Plan staff and executive directors (past and present), Economic Development Administrator Piscitelli and staff, and Alder Cupo. Developing this site without neighborhood and expert input and before the completion of a cohesive plan for the entire area will be a missed opportunity with an impact that will last for decades.

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