Neighbors Against Special Use of 1400 Bailey Avenue
You may have received a notice of hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals for
Variances, Special Exceptions and Permits from the City of Chattanooga.As
the notice states, Calvin Armistead on behalf of the Helen Ross McNabb Center
would like to have a special permit for a Mental Health Residential Program at
1400 Bailey Avenue. Rezoning this propertywill severely affect the fabric
of our wonderful, quiet neighborhood here in Highland Park as it would
introduce a population of individuals battling addiction and a variety of
psychological problems to our community.While the center itself
undoubtedly provides a great service to the community and its patients, there
aremore suitable locations for such a Center.Our
neighborhoodis filled with manyfamilies and children living
insingle family residential units, the area's highest and best
use.The suggested rezoning is simply incompatible withthe character
of thesurroundingarea, which many inour community have worked
tirelessly to foster and achieve over the past few decades.
If you oppose the rezoning of this property, please consider signing the petition belowto voice your opposition.It willalso be extremely beneficial for as many people as possible to come to the meeting scheduled for March 4th at 10a.m. in Conference Room 1-A of the Development Resource Center at 1250 Market Street in order to voice your opposition. Allowing such a use to be our neighbor will severely affect the safety and stability of our neighborhood. Thank you.